Biden Administration Releasing Hundreds of Illegal Aliens into American Towns, Untested for Coronavirus

by Eric Lendrum


The Biden Administration is facing widespread criticism from local authorities and citizens as its open-border immigration policies have led to hundreds of potentially coronavirus-positive illegal aliens being unleashed into American border towns, as reported by Breitbart.

Juan Mendez, the mayor of Brownsville, Texas, told the New York Times that “if it’s several hundred [aliens] overnight, then that’s something that would become overwhelming for us.” Mendez added that “the administration is very well aware of that. We’ve conveyed that on numerous occasions.”

McAllen Mayor Jim Darling similarly criticized the policy, saying that “dropping them off at our bus station without testing them first…that’s irresponsible not only to the border but the whole United States.”

The Times noted that dozens of aliens were being dropped off at the Brownsville bus station by federal authorities, at which point local officials and volunteers had to set up their own coronavirus testing facility. Any aliens who tested positive would have to be quarantined at a nearby hotel, paid for by donations from volunteers. Within a few hours, the number of aliens at the station increased from three to 50.

Several illegal aliens have even admitted to the press that their motivations for coming to the United States now are solely based on Joe Biden’s promises of amnesty and other economic incentives for illegally entering the United States. One such illegal alien, Edwin Rubio, told CNN that he and his family came to America illegally because “there will be new laws, new immigration laws that will favor Latinos.”

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.







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One Thought to “Biden Administration Releasing Hundreds of Illegal Aliens into American Towns, Untested for Coronavirus”

  1. Trump was impeached for aledgedly encouraging people to break the law (i.e. inciting a riot) [he was not found guilty]. By that standard, it seems that Biden should be impeached for encouraging non-citizens (i.e. aliens) to break the immigration laws by entering this country when they don’t have any legal justification to do so.
